Advent 2015 // The Darkness will not Overcome, An Introduction
Image by Cailin Valente

Image by Cailin Valente

John 1:5-14

We sat in darkness and waited. I could hear the waves crashing in; I could feel the sand on my toes. It was early, oh so early. But, what was to come would soon make our lack of sleep worth it.  

And suddenly, like a triumphant melody, the sun peered over the horizon and gave way to the beauty that was before me. Light had illuminated the ocean with the most magnificent of colors. And, by that light, what I once could not see, I could now see.

The light shines in the darkness…”

Just as the sun penetrated the horizon that early July morning, the Son penetrates our hearts every day. No matter how dark, no matter how barren, His light will always overpower our sinful hearts.

And, this is where we begin our Advent series: with the understanding that Christ will ALWAYS win. Always. No matter what. The same God that turned a barren wasteland into the Garden of Eden has the power to bring light to our darkened souls. This is what we testify to, in anticipation for the celebration of His birth just four short weeks away; we testify to His light, His power, His salvation.

Just as John testified as he prepared the way for Christ’s coming, so too we are called to testify to Christ in our daily lives.  

I pray that this study empowers you to do just that. To testify to the light that is Jesus Christ. We are daughters of this Light.

This Advent, ask God for the grace and wisdom to see all things through His light and I promise you, you’ll never lose your way.

Be His.

Happy Advent dear sisters!

This year's study journal is broken into 4 parts.

To view each, please scroll to the middle of the above link.