How to Create a Scripture Journal on Paper


Exodus 34:27 

Do you miss the days of hand written notes? Do you still write your grocery list & To-Do lists out?  Keeping a paper version of a Scripture journal might be up your alley. 

The beauty of a written journal is that:

  1. It is in your handwriting. Don't we love seeing old letters or inscriptions from grandparents on the back of photos? Our kids aren't going to get these special mementos from us in our technological age. Photos are digital & emails and text messages make handwriting, especially cursive, obsolete. (Do they even teach cursive in schools anymore??) Whether or not you think your penmanship is beautiful, it is important to capture your text. Our writing doesn't have to be calligraphy; but it is unique to each of us. Just as we admire and think the writing of our elders is special, so too will your family members. And what a better family hand me down than the scripture journal of great - So & So (You). 
  2. You don't need an electrical outlet. We can literally take it anywhere! We can go to Mass with it, Adoration with it, on retreat with it, a park, a mountain camp site, a sandy beach... Paper journals are the most low maintenance journals we can have. All we have to do is actually write in it.
  3. You don't need a class in technology. If we can write in any language - we can have a paper scripture journal. We just need some paper and a writing utensil. 

There are many approaches to actual journaling content. Some have separate journals: one for prayer, one for Mass, one for scripture study. Some have them combined into one. It's really up to preference. But what do we write in a Scripture journal? Again a catch all - it's really what is on our heart & what you want to remember or capture from the what we read. But here are some good pointers:

  • Date your entry. We have found that when we date the pages, we can look back and see how God's plan unfolded perfectly in our lives through reflection, study, & prayer with Him. 
  • Write down the verses that the post is talking about. This is important. In the moment, we know exactly what we are reading & writing about. However, a month from now - heck, a week from now, we probably won't remember the specific verse or chapter. 
  • Make notes about discoveries, comparisons, or "Ah-Ha" moments that you discover. 
  • Write down questions that you have about the readings - then find the answers. This is important. If we don't know what a word means or understand the parable being shared, it's our duty to go find out so that we don't misinterpret information. If we were walking around thinking the world is flat, that would really change our perspective on things around us. Ask us, here, on HOMWF (you can always leave a comment below the posts!), ask a priest, religious, or spiritual director! If we are unsure, never assume. 
  • Writing down the steps of Lectio Divina, as you read through a verse(s), is another great option. 
  • If you are a writer, write. If you are a doodler, doodle. However our minds express themselves, is what our journal should be composed of. 

So, if paper is our thing, grab some! Keep it with your Bible & use it when we read these HOMWF studies together. 

Want a chance to win a Heart of Mary Scripture Journal? Follow us on Instagram to get information about the give-away! The contest will start soon and will only be advertised on Instagram!