Soul Saturday // Heart of Mary Women's Fellowship Parish Ministry
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Our Mission Statement

Heart of Mary Women’s Fellowship is parish women’s group that looks to Mary,the Mother of God as our role model.Open to all women, we strive to both support and serve one another; helping each other to grow in virtue through the use of devotions, faith-sharing, and gifted speakers. Just as Mary the Mother of God gave her eternal yes and made of herself a gift of love; we seek to make ourselves gifts of love, that we might support the life of the parish in service to God.

Heart of Mary Women's fellowship began with an idea to gather women of faith in fellowship. It was really as simple as that. My original notes written 11 years ago say, Catholic women's gathering, meet one time a month and of course food. The purpose of the gathering is fellowship, social time to share our lives in prayer and faith sharing and growing in the Lord through our gifted speakers and testimonies.


With Mary as our model, utilizing her virtues to guide us, we held our first gathering and 100 eager women showed up! This became a phenomenon of sorts surprising mostly it's leaders, but that was just what we needed to move it forward. To date we have over 600 women in our roster who have attended our monthly gatherings at one time or another and of course the many who  remain devoted to the mission today, you can usually pick them out in the crowd as they wear their Heart of Mary attire always branded with the big "H"on the back.

Personally, Heart of Mary Women's Fellowship has been a blessing to me and I can honestly say it is the easiest ministry I have ever been involved with.

If you would like more information on this dynamic women's group or would like to start a gathering in your parish, send me a note to