Fruit of the Holy Spirit // God's Wisdom

As we close this series of devotions, "Fruit of the Holy Spirit" Galatians 5:22-23, I am humbled to be amongst our beautiful writers who pour their heart and soul into our daily devotions and it is truly God's goodness that brings us together to grow in faith with you. As we strive toward holiness let us hold dear what we have heard these past weeks and remember that understanding the Fruit of the Holy Spirit gives us a bountiful harvest of Wisdom:)

For wisdom is more mobile than any motion;
because of her pureness she pervades and penetrates all things. 

Wisdom 7:24

This verse in the book of wisdom is only one description of God's wisdom. I suggest you read the entire chapter "The Nature of Wisdom" 7:23-30. I believe this is the most beautiful description of the Almighty God who is all knowing.

So if God is truly wise about everything, why do I keep doubting him? Why do I give in to stupid thoughts that cause me to manipulate or reject God's will for my life?

One of my favorite songs is "Thy Will" sung by Hillary Scott, every time I hear it I sing this part really loud

"it's hard to count it all joy, distracted by the noise, just trying to make sense of all your promises, Sometimes I gotta stop and remember, you are God and I am not! thy will be done..."

by then I'm crying because through that song I am reminded of our incredible faith and God's infinate wisdom in creating every plan for my life.

On our confirmation day we were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit .These gifts,help us to live a virtuous holy life. Use this fruit to help strengthen you while carrying out God's plan for your life.

This Monday We will begin a new series Of devotions, the four cardinal virtues,

Prudence,Justice,Fortitude,Temperance .

We look forward to meeting you here.

To Jesus through Mary, Michelle Workman