Lent 2017 // Day Five
Image by justloveprints.com

Image by justloveprints.com


Luke 11:29-32

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Growing up I remember hearing people give their testimonies at church. Often it would involve a special moment in which that person had a revelation that God was real, that he loved him, and that Jesus was his son who died to save them. I guess I often felt left out because I never had that “moment”. As far back as I could remember I had always believed in God. It isn’t that I never questioned or doubted, but there was never anything that shook my faith that God was real. It is only as I have grown older and watched others fall away from belief that I recognize what a gift my lifelong faith has been.

I’ve been reading a book called "Walking with Purpose" by Dynamic Catholic. In the first section of the book it discusses three main motivations that people do things. One of these motivations resonated with me, and that was pride. People, like me, who are motivated by pride, are driven to achieve goals, gain praise, and like to control things. What struck me most was that according to the book the opposite of pride is faith.

So while I may profess with my mouth and mind and heart that I believe in God, faith is so much more than simply believing that he exists. Sometimes (okay, often) I don’t let my faith permeate all aspects of my life. Do I trust that God will help my family in the midst of medical strife, unemployment, uncertainty? Or do I try to control everything myself, putting all faith in myself?

Hebrews 11:1 says “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” If we were to truly believe and have faith that God acts in our best interests, even when it doesn’t seem like it at the time, how would our lives and emotional well-being change?

Faith means not just believing that God exists. Faith means having confidence in Him and his work in your life.

In this passage from the Gospel of Luke Jesus rebukes the crowds that ask for a sign. Saying that the only sign they will receive is the sign of Jonah (Jesus’ resurrection on the third day). And this is the sign that we, too, are given. It is easy to look around at the things in our lives and ask God for a sign, to ask him where he is, but real faith recognizes the sign we have already given and believes.

True faith takes Jesus at his word. This is easier said than done. 

As we look towards Easter this Lent, I hope we will all remember the sign that is given to us and hold onto it with Faith. What greater sign could there be than our savior overcoming death itself?

Reflect: Are there places in your life in which you don’t have enough faith? What are they?

Act: Find a practical way to give more control to God in this situation