Prayer // Day Six
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Matthew 26:41  

"Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

What can be said about Jesus' Passion that hasn't be said, analyzed, studied and thought? I can think of at least a half dozen churches I have watched perform the Stations since childhood, as each year we are asked to pray the Stations during the season of Lent to prepare ourselves for the fall and rise of our Savior. Last year I had the pleasure of watching my little brother's 4th grade class act and read the passages of the Bible, as it is a Friday Lenten tradition for most of us, particularly viewing the Passion on Good Friday.  

Our faith relies on the death of Jesus Christ to bring about His resurrection and our salvation. I have heard the argument that Catholics spend too much energy on the cross and death of Jesus Christ, however without the sacrifice of the lamb of God, His only son and flesh and blood like us, there can be no completion of the prophecy. I believe we recognize and celebrate both as the truth.  Let us pray.

"We adore you, O Christ and we bless you, because by your holy cross, you have redeemed the world."

The Stations are as follows:

1.    Jesus is condemned to death.

2.    Jesus accepts his cross.

3.    Jesus falls the first time.

4.    Jesus meets his mother. 

5.    Simon helps Jesus carry the cross.

6.    Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.

7.    Jesus falls the second time.

8.    Jesus speaks to the women of Jerusalem.

9.    Jesus falls the third time

10.     Jesus is stripped of his garments.

11.    Jesus is nailed to the cross.

12.    Jesus dies on the cross.

13.    Jesus is taken down from the cross.

14.    Jesus is laid in the tomb.

source-Praying Our Lives-E. Bernstein

The Stations are the most solemn of prayers, and when praying them I feel most close to Jesus and Mary. How is it that Jesus would sacrifice so much...for me...especially after I was the one who sentenced Him?  I have a lot of work to do to be worthy of such. 

Reflect and Act: This prayer comes via the 4th grade DMCC's Stations performance. Pray and reflect on those moments and people that you are most grateful for. Without Jesus' sacrifice we wouldn't have that. Let us be grateful for our blessings and act to pass them on to others. Make sure to also find out your Church's upcoming Stations schedule for Lent and add it to your calendar. 

Lord Jesus, You love us so much that You gave Your life for us. Even though You never committed a sin, You chose to walk the path of Calvary, this path to suffer for us, for our sins, so that someday we could be with You forever. As we pray today, draw us closer to You. Set our hearts on fire with love for You. Thank You, dear Jesus. Thank You for loving us. 

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