Soul Saturday // Pray More,Worry Less
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Pray More, Worry Less

Today's Soulful Saturday is a little collection compiled for your prayer hour. First, an introduction to Eleanor Bernstein's Praying Our Lives: A Women's Treasury of Catholic Prayer. It is followed by a great little Spotify playlist and one of HoMwf's lockscreens to help inspire by way of our electronics ;)

For starters, Praying Our Lives is not really a book club read as it is a compilation of hundreds of prayers, oldies and new ones, for any and every moment in a woman's life, including mass, eucharistic adoration, motherhood, love, and creation. My own mother gifted this book to me as assistance through a terribly difficult time in my life.  The text includes prayers written by saints, ancient celtic prayers, even Bible studies and reflections. The book is such a personal journey and I've only included a few prayers for you to read, but it is so worth getting a copy for yourself. I wish I could personally bless each of you with a copy, almost like HoM's Favorite Things...alas, I trust Mama Mary to find a way to get it to you.

May you be blessed forever, Lord, for not abandoning me when I abandoned you. May you be blessed forever, Lord, for offering your hand of love in my darkest, most lonely moment...(88)

Jesus, you call me to come to you, especially when I am troubled and sad. Be present to me now, for I seek the consolation and the tender love, which you have promised to those who turn to you. (134)

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenace upon you, and give you peace. 

Let nothing disturb you, nothing affright you; all things are passing, God never changes. Patience attains all thats it strives for; one who possesses God finds nothing lacing: God alone suffices. 

Seek the Lord, who longs to be found. Call upon your God who is very near

God, be merciful to me, a sinner!