The Lost Son // Part 3

Part 3 of the 6 part series: The Lost Son

Read Part 1 Read Part 2

The Lost Son is part of the two-week study "The Lost Series"

Luke 15: 17-20

When it was my time to go to college I chose to go to this little rinky-dink town in Ohio, nearly 3000 miles from good ole Rancho Cucamonga (my California hometown). That was a 36 hour drive, without stops, about an 8-9 hour travel day by plane and too far to comprehend by train or foot. It was extremely difficult to be away from family, but the return home was always exciting. Almost every time I flew home, as the plane started its decent into Ontario International Airport the butterflies of excitement started. I could not believe I was back ‘home.’

When the son was contemplating returning all he truly wanted was to be back with his father where he could receive that nourishment he was in dire need of. It is the only thing he has ever know that quenches his thirst and feeds him to the deepest parts of who he is. Just as the Eucharist does for us! The son was searching for food and drink in other things just as we try to find our food and drink in so many other things; TV, sports, work and our other activities.

Coming to his senses he thought, ’How many of my father’s hired workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am I, dying from hunger.

The son realizes here that when in a life with his father, just as when we are in a life with God we have enough to nourish ourselves and enough food to eat as long as we do what the Father asks of us. When we walk away and don’t desire to serve the Lord in this aspect our nourishment is gone and we are found trying to find nourishment in other things.

I shall get up and go to my father and I shall say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.

He walked away and turned his back to his father! Of course he needed to apologize. We have this same opportunity for each time that we turn our back and walk right back into that dark spot thinking we know more than God. But every time we have the opportunity to go walking back admitting that we have sinned against Him and heaven through the sacrament of reconciliation.

I no longer deserve to be called your son; treat me as you would treat one of your hired workers.” So he got up and went back to his father.

Whenever we sin, or I know at least when I do, the last thing I feel like I am worthy to be called is ‘daughter.’ But I know that the only way to come back to the father is to first ask for forgiveness, then to go back to him, and then to start working in the vineyards of the Lord.