Posts in Judith
The Book of Judith // Day 20 Daughters

Can I just be real with you for a minute?

I feel like this entire book would make a great movie. My heart was pounding furiously in this chapter!

From the moment Judith was alone with Holofernes in the bedchamber, to her prayer right before she beheaded him, andrunning in the night and returning to Bethulia, screaming at the watchmen to open the gates - I literally held my breath!

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The Book of Judith // Day 15 Pray

This entire chapter is, by far, one of my favorite prayers. Judith, with great humility and reverence, asks the Lord for help in defeating the enemy. She praises God and His strength and power. She vows to bring Him glory by bringing all the nations and tribes to understand and know that He is God.

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The Book of Judith // Day 9 Truth

I am saddened by Holofernes’ answer to Alchior’s speech because although he has heard the truth, it does not speak to him.Sometimes, people hear the truth when it is spoken to them, but they choose not to listen to or act upon it. Conversely, people hear the truth and choose to listen and act upon it. Other times, people cannot even hear the truth even when it is spoken to them, like Holofernes.

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The Book of Judith // Day 7 Faith

Most of what constitutes Alchior’s speech is pure description of the Israelites: their ancestral history, their reliance on the God of heaven during adversity, and their strength.

The last part of Alchior’s speech is an interpretation of this description and how it is relevant to Holofernes’ attack on the Israelites.

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The Book of Judith // Day 6 Mercy

In this short passage, you’ll notice that before the Israelites make fervent pleas to God to save them from ruin and seizure, they all do one thing in common: drape themselves in sackcloth. The sackcloth is a sign of penitence or mourning.

What’s so important about what the Israelites cover themselves with?

This tradition speaks to a few things.

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